Sunday 7 October 2012

Adobe Bridge: Why is it important?

If you own or use Adobe Photoshop, then you may have come across a piece of software called Adobe Bridge. This program is designed to help you gain control of all your files and get them organized. If you work with lots of pictures, sooner or later, you will be inundated with many folders full of images and Adobe Bridge, as file browsing software, can keep things streamlined.
Adobe Bridge can be used independently or in conjunction with Photoshop. When you open up the program, you will have a number of options on the left hand side of the screen. Here, you can browse all of your images by choosing the location where they are saved. Therefore, Bridge allows you to view images from multiple locations without the hassle of having to find all of your folders and having them open at the same time. Don’t forget – the more folders you have open, the slower your computer will run.