Saturday 8 June 2013

This is my poster for TC062. A lamp bulb, 2 eye balls and drawing material forming a Jolly Roger, or in this case an awareness sign. My idea of  the room is one where we learn to listen, observe, think, draw, generate ideas and improve our visual communication skills.

Digital Skills class room poster

C324 is one of the spaces at UWL where the digital magic happens. This is why to represent room C324 I designed an apple desktop with rainbows and shapes coming out from it. 
 A room where creativity happens the poster representing it should be colorful but the brief  said to  produce a monochrome poster so I thought that by drawing shapes and represent creativity with motion instead of color would also be a good option.
This was a very time consuming  drawing. But I loved it! I got lost on detail and I reckon I could have done a lot better but it might take me a whole day or two to get it  right. It took me around 6 hours to produce this vector drawing. Being able to use layers cleverly was a key point. One of the things I had a bit of trouble was creating the grass, bushes and trees. I kept selecting, copying and reflecting it and it  got to the point the file became to slow so I guess that should be a more efficient solution to create the illusion of flora in a Illustrator drawing.

Hi! My name is Kew!

 Or at least in my head she looks similar to that. :) For this portrait I found it really useful to draw a grid and use it as a template in order to get the proportions right. Also duplicating and reflecting vertically some parts of the drawing was a great help.

Colour adjustment

12 asymmetrical designs

My first attempt at creating a Gif image in photoshop.